March 8, 2009

Parachute Pants, Like, Totally Not Included

Okay, I should like totally become an 80s music party DJ! Monica and I have been cleaning the house tonight (well, mostly Monica, because she's not lazy like I am.) At any rate, I quickly through together a play list of "high energy music" for us to listen to while we cleaned. As it so often happens, the majority of the songs were from the 1980s, and I had them flowing into each other one after another after another after...

As I was rocking out to the awesome jams, I was thinking to myself "Dude, you should totally DJ 80s parties for people!" And then it hit me...I want to have an 80s party myself, sometime in the near future! So here's what I need from my readers (and friends of theirs, since I still think that I really only have 3 steady readers who pay any kind of attention to my blog.)

I would like those of you that are interesting in possibly attending (and maybe even helping plan) an 80s party to leave a comment on this post. I would also like suggestions for an 80s movie you'd like to watch. I have quite a few 80s movies already, but they wouldn't appeal to a very wide audience, so I'm going to need people to either suggest movies they'd like to watch, and they can either bring them to the party themselves, if they have them, or I can rent them from RedBox, Netflix, etc. We'll have at least 2 TVs set up, so we can have more than 1 movie going at a time (maybe an 80s scifi or horror movie in one living room, and a comedy or love story in the other living room, or something like that.)

I also need some suggestions for 80s themed snack items (candy, finger foods, drinks, etc.), as I want to have a good selection of these for people to enjoy while they're watching the movies. I've already got plenty of 80s music, as I said, so that's taken care of. Any other suggestions like 80s board games that would be fun for groups of people to play are also welcome. You're also welcome to dress in 80s style clothing if you want to make the experience more authentic.

I really hope that I get some people interested in this (preferably people that I know, because I don't want this to turn into one of those wild and crazy beer-fest parties with lots of drunk strangers running around and breaking things, like you see on TV all the time.) If I can't get a regular movie night going, at least I can try to have one or two crazy theme-based nights where I can get a group of like-minded people together to socialize and have some fun.

So, like, I totally need to hear from you all. Are you with me? Doesn't this sound like a totally rad idea? Gnarly, dude. Can't wait to hear from ya!


clare adams said...

footloose! ha! i love that movie...or pretty in pink....or say anything....hmmm..i have lots i like...i'd totally awesomely help plan the party and invite scads of folkks...let me know when y9u want to do it!

Matt F. said...

It probably won't be for a month or two, but I do want to have it. Did you know that they're remaking Footloose? I really don't know why, but there you go. They're also remaking the original Karate Kid movie, so go figure. Those are good movie suggestions though. I'll add them to the list.

I'm not sure I want "scads" of people here (unless we're collecting a cover charge! hehe), but you do know more people than us so I probably will rely on some friends of yours to "flesh out" the party, so to speak. (Why does that just sound creepy? lol)