March 10, 2009

Early Nights & Flat Tire Delights

So today was a fairly typical Monday at work; nothing much going on, and lots of standing around waiting for customers. With spring break upon us, Athens is somewhat of a ghost town. It's been so long since I worked or lived in a college town that I'd forgotten how much things like spring break affect the overall feel of the town.

Anyway, I usually get off work somewhat earlier on Mondays, due to the aforementioned slowness, and tonight was no exception. I clocked out around 8:45 PM and prepared to head home for a relaxing evening. Alas, that was not to be.

I hopped in my car, called Monica to let her know I was on my way, and started to make my way out of the parking lot. Then I hear it - a strange noise coming from the back left of my car. I was still on the phone with Monica, and hadn't pulled out of the shopping center yet (I was waiting for a break in traffic.) I rolled forward a little more, and heard it again, a sort of flapping noise coming from my back left tire. I informed Monica that my car was making an odd sound, and pulled back into the park lot to park my car in an adjacent space. I hopped out and took once glance at my rear left tire, unfortunately confirming my fears. My back tire was so flat it almost looked as if it'd been slashed. I know it wasn't flat when I got to work, so either a slow but steady leak had finally taken it's toll, or something truly had been done to my tire. I have no idea what caused the leak yet, but I intend to find out.

At any rate, my plans for tomorrow have now changed, since I now have to go get at least one new tire (although I really need 2 new ones.) I had planned on getting up early to enjoy the spring like weather, and maybe do a little fishing or photography at Watson Mill or something, but now it's going to be time spent getting new tires for my car. Oh well, I really need new tires (and new wiper blades as well), so I guess it's a good thing, and it WAS one of the bad tires that blew, so that's good too, but I was planning on spending some nice time in the great outdoors tomorrow, and that's just not going to happen now.

Oh well. The good news is that I made it home safely on the spare tire, and that I was in the parking lot still when I noticed the tire was flat. I would have hated to drive home like that. So all in all, things could have been much worse.

So that was my exciting evening. Tomorrow I will get new tires (and maybe wipers), and then I will head off to work for another evening of "Who are these strange people in our store? Oh yeah; they're customers..." Take care all.

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