March 22, 2009

Coming Soon To A Blog Near You...KITTENS

Patches had her kittens this afternoon. (It's about time too, because she'd gotten SO big that it was hard for her to move around, and jump/climb up on things!) At any rate, there are 6 tiny balls of fur (quite a lot for a first litter!) Three of them are basically solid black (with at least 1 having dark stripes/bands on it's legs (the back ones at least)); and the other 3 are solid white, with 2 of them having black "patches" on their heads (and possibly other places on their bodies) like their mom (but MUCH darker.) We're still waiting to see what the last one born looks like. It's basically solid white, but it still needs a lot of TLC to actually look like a proper kitten.

I'll try to put some pictures online later tonight (tomorrow at the latest), and possibly even a video. I actually watched the last kitten being born, which was kind of a novel experience. Usually we just come home one day and there are several extra "mini-cats" wandering around. It was neat to actually see the birth of one.

They're all under the side porch at the moment, safely out of the way. I have a lady I met at work who wants to take at least one of them off our hands when it's old enough, but we'll need to find good, loving homes for the others. So if you know of anyone who would like a kitten for themselves, or for their children, please let me know.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll try to post some pictures soon.

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