March 8, 2009


Yes, the spelling of the title is intentional, because this post is mainly in response to a voicemail message I got from my sister.

I know you're excited about "reading my book", but I haven't even started WRITING it yet (or more specifically, typing it. I don't do the writing thing any more than I have too. I'm so used to typing that I get writer's cramp within minutes if I write more than a few paragraphs.)

At any rate, unless I write a very SHORT book (which could definitely happen), it's going to be a long time before there's really anything to read. Also, I'm not sure this book is going to be quite up your alley. I said it's a book based loosely on my life, and I meant loosely. While a lot of the book will be true and somewhat autobiographical in nature, the vast majority of it won't. I just figured it would be easier to start writing about a subject I knew a little bit about. They (whoever THEY are) say that writing about yourself is one of the easiest ways for a new writer to get started, and get past any potential writer's block that might develop early on. So that's what I'm doing. I'm writing a story about my past, my present, and my future, with wild, imaginative elaborations and extreme speculations. It's going to be a blast, because I'm so much "cooler" in my mind! *g*

Anyway, I'll let you know when I have anything worth reading, but I'm not sure you're going to like it. It's not going to be the type of book you would normally read willingly. lol We'll see how it goes. Thanks for the enthusiasm and vote of confidence though. I'll be sure to thank you in the forward/author's note. *smile*

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