March 18, 2009


Man, that took forever!

The pictures are finally online on my FMD Photography blog though. They spread over 2 pages, so once you get to the bottom of the first page, you have to click on the "Older Posts" link to go back to the first page and view the rest of them.

Due to the various filters and whatnot that I ran on the pictures, many of them look more like painted pictures than photographic images, but most of them still look kind of cool. I REALLY need to get a decent dSLR camera that takes high resolution TIF or RAW images. These compressed JPGs just don't cut it!

Anyway, check them out, and I hope you enjoy them. Please leave comments so I know people are actually looking at them, and so that all the time I spent taking, preparing, and uploading them will be worthwhile. Thanks. :)

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