March 2, 2009


Let me preface this post by saying that I'm not responsible for anything that I might type right now. I downed some "warming" Theraflu medicine, and I'm chasing it with a steaming cup of green tea. Meds and high doses of antioxidants HAVE to be good, RIGHT???

I haven't felt like this in about 7 years. Sick, I mean. The last time I was really sick was right before Monica and I were about to get married. We didn't know whether I was going to a wedding, or to the hospital. I'd spent a week, sleeping propped up on a pile of clothes on the floor in my old bedroom, coughing up copious amounts of sickly, green phlegm (this time I won't spare you all the details), not eating anything for the whole week, and basically wishing I were dead. I had a severe case of bronchitis/restricted airway disease, bordering on pneumonia, and I was in bad shape. The plus side of it all is that I dropped about 10 pounds or so. The down side of THAT is that they came back...and they brought FRIENDS! :(

Anyway, I sit here at home, having officially called out of work sick. And the doctor can't see me until next week sometime (because there isn't one there today due to the weather, and I'm a new patient so they have to deal with the more important people first), so I drove the 10 miles to Wal-Mart and picked up the aforementioned Theraflu. This is all making sense, right? Okay, let's continue.

At the moment I look sort of like Beavis in his "I am Cornholio!" days, except that I have a hoodie pulled up over my head, and not my t-shirt. It's way to cold for that. (Well, at least half the time. The chills keep me coming and going and I'm not really sure if I'm hot, cold, on fire, etc.) My body aches a bit (around my kidneys and lower back somewhat, and my eye sockets feel like they're in c-clamps); and I feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside (must be the warming Theraflu doing its thing.)

With luck, and lots of food and self-medication, I'll be able to keep my planned work schedule in the morning, and open the ImPress department. I might not be fully coherent (or conscious), but I hope to be there. This is the first day I've missed in over 2 years, and I want to try and make it the last (at least until the next time I require a day off, which given the fact the last time I was really sick was about 9 years ago, should be be a while.)

This green tea would taste better with a little sugar or honey in it, but it's better for me this way, and I don't mind it that much. It tastes better than the Theraflu.

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I think, Monica is at work at Home Depot, and will be getting off around 5 PM to hopefully make it home before dark, when any moisture/snow/ice/etc. that's still hanging around it probably going to refreeze. It could be another fun early morning commute tomorrow if that happens. *sigh* The roads are mostly clear at the moment, and there was only one tree down on some power lines on my way to Wal-Mart, but there was a crew out there working on it. Hopefully, when they take care of that, they'll head up the road a little bit and fix the light that's out at the intersection of 78 and Robert Hardeman Road.

Do I seem wordy to you? I seem to wax prolific when I'm medicated...

I don't have any more pictures to share at the moment, but the ones I've posted over the last couple days should hopefully hold you over until the next time I post. Clare and family will be back from England on Wednesday, and I'm sure they'll have lots of pictures to share (that is unless Clare leaves their new camera in the car again. lol)

Thanks once again for taking the time to peruse my crazy ramblings. I'm off to see about a one eared bunny now. Take care.

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