January 18, 2009

A Trip Down Memorial Lane

Yes, I intentionally misquoted that saying, because it's part of what I did today. I took a trip down memory lane at Memorial Park in Athens (hence the title.) When I went to UGA (YEARS ago) and lived off-campus, I lived in a house right across the road from Memorial Park. Now being a relatively shy individual by nature, and considering that I didn't really know anyone in Athens at that time (other than a friend of two from high school who lived on campus, and whom I hardly ever saw), I spent a lot of my free time at Memorial Park, walking the trails, looking at the animals in the "zoo", and fishing in the pond that's the park's central attraction. I became a regular there, a sort of "recognized feature", and I used to have small groups of kids flock around me and watch me while I fished. It was a nice time, and even though I was alone, I enjoyed myself.

Today was my first visit to the park in 10-15 years probably (at least since sometime when Clare was at UGA.) It was both welcoming and a little sad to see that the park hasn't really changed much in all that time. There's still the run down looking swings and volleyball nets, the picnic tables and the bridge across the pond; and all in all, everything looks about the same as it did years ago when I was a sophomore in college.

Anyway, once the mizzly weather cleared up this afternoon, I decided to brave the cold, and head over to the park. I grabbed my camera and drove the 15 miles or so to Athens, parked my car, and walked along the path toward the zoo. And here are some of the better pictures that I took while I was there. Enjoy!

1 comment:

clare adams said...

love them!