January 20, 2009

Economic Uncertainty

So Obama has officially taken office now, and perhaps things will change for the better. But at the moment, as has been the case for months (or years, as it's seems in our case) times are hard, and money's tight. We were just notified of the fact that we won't be getting raises at work this year, and that the company has also withdrawn their half of 401K investments, no longer matching (or contributing) to money that the associates earmark for their savings plans. Add that to the fact that my pay rate at the moment is ridiculous, and things are starting to get stressful again, especially given the cold weather and the high cost of gas and electricity, etc. The only thing I have to look forward to is possibly moving back up to a Supervisor position (if only temporarily perhaps), when Stacey goes on maternity leave in the spring. With luck I will at least go back to what I was earning in Acworth when I was a Supervisor at that store. If not, it's time for a new place of employment, because if I'm going to do the same job I WAS doing, I'd better get paid the same salary I WAS earning.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I've been handing out my business cards at work, off and on, and with luck I may have some Web design work coming up in the hopefully not too distant future. Also, I was talking with one of my regular customers today, and I may end up providing him with some one-on-one computer training in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc., so that will be a help too. I'll just have to wait and see how everything pans out.

Thirteen days until Monica starts work at the Athens store. Less than 2 weeks before she finally comes home. I know that will make things better for all of us, being under the same roof again, permanently, and getting to enjoy our house in the country together. Now if I could only find a way to deal with the bloody barking dogs that wouldn't leave a trail back to me...

Have a good rest of the week everyone, and check out the music player I added to my blog. It will provide some nice relaxing background music to listen to while you read my posts. Or you can enable the "pop-up" feature on it, and keep the music going while you go about your business online. And if you want to add something similar to your own site, just click on the "Get Your Own" button and set up your own Last.fm account. That's all for now. Take care.

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