So anyway, after a brief trip first-time trip to the local library (to obtain our new library cards and check one of the aforementioned park passes out), we came back to the house, grabbed my camera, and headed back out in the car, to find somewhere interesting to take some pictures. First we drove out to the "Somebody-Or-Other" Bertram Trail historical site place, on the side of Hwy 78/Lexington Hwy, but it was kind of lame, and a couple dogs kept barking and growling at us, while they chased my car, so we decided not to stop and get out, and to seek somewhere more interesting (and less filled with angry dogs.)
We headed towards Lexington, figuring we'd just drive until we found somewhere that looked interesting. Now I'm sure most of you have seen the billboard for the Retro Cinema & Book Store (it's on the right side of the road as you head towards Lexington.) Ever since I've seen it, I've been meaning to head out to Washington to check it out, but I've never gotten around to it. Well, last night we ended up driving so far (past Lexington, and through Rayle), that we decided to keep going into Washington to see if we could find the Cinema. We took a right off 78, and headed towards "historic Washington" on Business 78. There's all sorts of interesting places out there, and lots of really beautiful houses and a few churches. We stopped in the center of town, in the "square" (sort of like Marietta Square), and got out of the car to wander around.
Unfortunately most of the stores were close already (I felt like I was back in England, since it was only about 6:30 PM on a Friday night), but we found some really neat looking places we're going to go back and check out. And we managed to find the Retro Cinema & Bookstore. The bookstore part was closed, but the cinema half was apparently open, and they're having an "Elvis Weekend" at the moment, so if you're an Elvis fan it could be cool to check out. The store had some really neat looking books and movie-related memorabilia though, so we're definitely going to go back for a closer look one day soon when they're open!
Finally, when we were about to leave (mainly because some drunk, angry sounding guy was walking around, yelling stuff out at the top of his lungs, and we didn't want to get involved in any confrontations), we walked past the shop front for a taxidermist. Now I wish I'd taken my main digital camera out of the car with me, because these pictures would have been SO much better! As it is, I had my cell phone set to take small, low resolution pictures for emailing (instead of the larger, much better quality ones it CAN take), so I had to enlarge these pictures in Photoshop, and they're rather blurry. Still, they give you an idea of what we saw.
Typically, when I've been in a taxidermist's shop in the past (and I've been in a couple), I have seen animals such as deer, small bears perhaps, largemouth bass, and maybe a fox or a turkey. THIS place obviously caters to a different crown (as evidenced by the "safari trip" sign and flyers they had out on display.) Also, most of the animals that were in the store were ones that you'd find in places like Africa if you went out on a big game safari. There were pronghorns, and antelopes, grizzly bears, and various other large land animals, in addition to wild boars, a turkey, and a "string" of largemouth bass. It was all pretty cool and amazing looking, and I snapped a few pictures with my phone. Again, I wish these were better quality, but you really have to check out the place for yourself.
Anyway, enjoy these few pics, and if anyone would like to accompany us out to the Washington area, we'll be making a return trip in the near future! :)

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