December 21, 2009
Winter Solstice
Today also marked the official 3 year anniversary of my employment with OfficeMax. Now I have mixed emotions about this fact. To be sure, I'm extremely glad to have a steady job in this time of economic uncertainty, but I can't help but wonder if this is as good as it's going to get. I'm currently working for a salary that's less than what I started at 3 years ago, when I knew little about the position, and was completely inexperienced with running a commercial print center. Since then I have run the print centers in 2 different stores, but with my transfer to Athens, budget cuts within the company (i.e. - no raises this year), and my temporary step down from Supervisor to Associate while Stacey was still running the place, I took a salary hit that I still haven't recovered from, and it doesn't look like things will get much better in the new year.
So, do I stay with my present employer, and try to "convince" HR to pay me, if not what I'm worth, at least what I was earning before I transferred (and preferably a bit more, if we actually get raises in the coming year), or do I set out once again in search of a new career and a better lifestyle? Three years is the longest I've ever worked for a single company, and it's been nice to have an employer that seems to care about its employees at least somewhat, but I've got to be moving on if I've hit a fiscal glass ceiling.
I would like to go back to working from home, doing things that I enjoy and working on my own terms. I want to pursue photography as a serious hobby, and possibly a career. I think I could be good at it once I received the proper training, and gained the knowledge to move on from taking "snapshots", to shooting "portraits" (in the overall professional sense, not just shooting portraits of people.) Years ago, my mother gave me a book entitled Do What You Love, And The Money Will Follow, and that's just what I want to do. I love photography, and I want to strive to be better at it. Monica also shares a love for photography, and I think it's something that we could be good at together, and possibly turn into a money making venture.
So as this year comes to a close, it's time to reevaluate my situation, and decide where I want my life to go from here. I'm not getting any younger, and it's time I took back control of my life, and started walking a new path towards a brighter and more enjoyable future. I know I'm destined for more than this. I just need to find the key that unlocks the door...
November 20, 2009
November 8, 2009
Mandi Mandibles
Anyway, we're getting settled in our new house now, but things are still quite chaotic. The garage is full of boxes (and probably will be for a while), and we have a lot still to do, but we're taking it a day at a time. We still have some stuff at the old place too, but we'll pick that up soon.
We don't have Internet access at the house yet, so we have to come down to Monica's dad's house (14 houses down from ours) to use the Internet. But I hope to get us back online this week some time.
I hope everyone had a great weekend, and to those of you who are joining us for the ASL walk, we'll see you next Saturday! Peace.
October 26, 2009
October 24, 2009
The End Is Near
I wish we would have closed this past Tuesday (or last Tuesday) like we were supposed to, because I wanted to be IN the house on Halloween, not MOVING IN, but at least we'll be in by the end of the month (AT the end of the month actually!) It's been a long, stressful process (more so for Monica, because she's been the main one dealing with everything), but it's finally coming to an end.
Once we get settled in the new place, we're going to have a house warming party at some point, so those who want to can come visit us. Stay tuned for more details on that.
That's it for now. I have to get back to my Web coding, but I wanted to update this blog with some good news for a change. Have a great weekend everyone! :)
October 19, 2009
More Hoops To Jump Through
What's next, jumping through literal rings of fire? I wouldn't be at all surprised.....
October 17, 2009
Rainy Day Blues
On another note, I'm really sick of all this bloody rain! (No, not rains of blood, that would just be messy. "Bloody" as in "This rain bloody well needs to stop!") Yes, I know most of you knew what I was talking about, but I was trying to inject some of my twisted humor into these proceedings, to lighten up the depressing mood said rain has inspired in many of us. *smile* Monica thinks that all this rain will turn to snow this winter, and that we're going to have a severe season of inclement weather. I hope she's right, as long as I don't have to drive in it, and the power stays on in our new home. (At least we'll have a fireplace again, to keep warm if/when we DO lose power. I'm really looking forward to that!)
This week has been an interesting one at work too. We had a shoplifter on Monday or Tuesday (who I'm fairly certain has been in to pinch stuff multiple times in the past), and the individual made the mistake of coming back in yesterday (Friday), and using the same technique to try and steal 2 more 10-packs of blank CDs (he stole 2 of them earlier in the week too.) This time though, we recognized him, knew his method of operation, and were able to catch him before he left the store with any merchandise. The police were called, and they escorted him from the building and took him home to his mother, but no charges were filed this time. He has been banned from our store though, and if he makes the mistake of coming back in, it's off to jail for him.
I've been finding the packaging for all sorts of stolen items around our store lately, so we've obviously had multiple people stealing things. If they would only issue us tasers, we could put a stop to that! hehe I'm just kidding. I'd be happy enough to be given permission to use the telescoping, flexible metal baton I carry with me in my bag. Getting hit would that would definitely deter ME from trying to steal anything, that's for sure! I doubt management would approve though, somehow. lol
Anyway, Monica is in the other room taping up boxes to start packing more stuff in, so I'm going to go see how she's doing. I'll try to write more soon, but in the meantime, have a great weekend, and try to stay dry. And happy belated birthday, Josh! I hope you and Clare had a nice time out last night. :)
September 30, 2009
September 21, 2009
Stormy Night
Photographing lightning has always been something I've been interested in, and tonight I got my first shot of some actual lightning bolts. They're not great, and the quality isn't stellar because my camera is not high end (I REALLY want a nice dSLR!), but I still managed to capture a lightning strike by setting a 30 second exposure time with an ISO speed of 80, an aperture value (f-stop) of 2.7, and a focal length length of 5.2 mm. Here is the resulting picture that I captured.

September 6, 2009
Back In The Saddle Again
Paul still has our other Saturn at his shop, and will work on it as time allows, but we're back to 2 cars again, which is good, because the clutch on Monica's truck is about to go out, and I'll probably be driving HER around in the near future! *sigh* At least we work the same shift a few days during the week, so we can carpool and give the truck a bit of a break (and save on gas money too.) So all in all, things have improved.
On the home front, we put a new offer on another house yesterday (since we lost the first one to a cash offer), and should know something one way or another by Friday. This isn't the type of house I thought we'd move into, but it's only a few years old, and it's completely "move in" ready. Nothing, that we know of anyway, requires any work, and we can move in and start living straight away (as soon as we figure out how to get our large, heavy furniture up all of those stairs!)
Anyway, I'll have more information on that front later this week. Have a great Labor Day everyone, and stay safe. Peace.
August 29, 2009
Wanting To Get Into The Wild
I really want to read the book now, because although the movie was amazing, movies can rarely hold a candle to the written word, and I think there's a lot more to the story that just couldn't be covered in the 2 1/2 hours on the DVD.
But if you're looking for a moving, thought-provoking movie to pass the time, be sure to check out Into The Wild. I think you'll be glad you did.
August 23, 2009
August 4, 2009
August 2, 2009
A Day Of Baking
1) In the crock pot, we have a roast of beef, slow cooking with vegetables, which will be for dinner tomorrow.
2) We made soft tacos for dinner tonight.
3) We made quiche Loraine x2 (with wonderful peppered bacon this time!)
4) We made an apple pie/crumble with one of the first pie crusts that shrank too much to be used for the quiches.
5) We made lots of mini banana nut breads, a couple with mini chocolate chips in them.
6) We made lots of mini carrot-zucchini breads.
I THINK that's everything we've made so far! We were going to make a meatloaf to eat this week also, but I think that's going to wait until another night. We still have ground beef and sausage, pork chops, and chicken breast thawing out in the refrigerator, so we'll be cooking lots more this week I'm sure.
It's great to see Monica baking again, and it's something that's fun to do together. Now if we could only find a way to keep the kitchen/house nice and cool while we did the cooking, and if we could acquire a trained monkey or something to come behind us and do the dishes while we cooked, life would be perfect! Still, it's not so bad as it is...
Have a great week everyone. Peace.
I want to get out and do some more photography. I want to walk in the woods and the mountains. I want to go fishing for trout in a chilly mountain stream. And I REALLY want to visit the ocean again (and do some fishing there.) It's been way too long since I've really done anything! My last vacation was YEARS ago, and lately all I've been doing is sitting inside, working on this Web business I'm a part of. I NEED A BREAK!!!
I have got to set aside some time to go somewhere, and do something new (or at least something I don't do every day.) I need to travel out of state and visit family, friends, or at the very least some place new, or somewhere I haven't been in a long time. I haven't left Georgia in several years, and it's time for a change of scenery!
Anyway, thanks for listening to the usual rant. Monica should be home from Wal-Mart soon, and it will be time to make lunch, and food for the upcoming week. I think we're going to make some quiche again, since she seemed to enjoy the last lot so much, and it was convenient for breakfast.
I hope everyone enjoys the remnants of the weekend, and has a great week. Take care.
July 26, 2009
In The Kitchen With Monica
I got the grill going, and slow cooked a couple racks of short ribs, which we'll be having with corn and mashed potatoes for dinner. While they were cooking, Monica and I worked in the kitchen together, making a couple of quiches, and some chicken-n-rice. The plan was to make a couple meals that will last for a day or two, and that we can take to work with us for lunch, so we don't eat as as much as [I] have been lately. (I swear, I should own STOCK in Moe's!)
Anyway, at the moment Monica is sitting outside, chatting on her phone, and I [obviously] am sitting here typing this blog post while we wait for the potatoes, corn, and chicken-n-rice to finish cooking. Then perhaps we'll sit down and watch a movie while we enjoy dinner. And then later, maybe we'll have banana splits for dessert. Ah, the good life. :)
July 25, 2009
Back In Business
The Geek Squad tech tried the approved methods to try and get the disc to eject, and then he tried other methods, such as inserting a knife blade and a bent paperclip into the disc slot to try and get the white post that was preventing the disc from ejecting to retract. He didn't have any more luck than I did, unfortunately. On the plus side of things, however, he was like "Just go get another one off the shelf, since we're not going to be able to fix this one here." So I was able to get a brand new PS3 from Best Buy (without the 1-2 week wait for N.E.W. to send me a gift card to buy a new one), and since they don't make the 60 gig version like I had any more, I was able to get one of the 80 gig versions (it's the same price that I paid for the 60 gig one.) It just cost us $4 due to the difference in the tax rate in Acworth and Athens.
So we're back home with the new PS3 hooked up and updated, and we only missed a day or so of movie watching! It did also cost $20 to pay for the Netflix Blue-Ray DVD which is still stuck in the old PS3, but that's a small price to pay, all things considered. However, I will have to rent that movie again, since the PS3 crashed in the middle of watching it. Oh well, it was a funny movie, so it's all good. I'm glad we made the trip to Best Buy though. I would have hated to have been without movies for 2 weeks or more! (Hey, we don't have TV hooked up, what do you expect! lol) All's well that ends well. :)
July 24, 2009
No Movies For A While :-(
The major bummer, though, is that I will be without my PS3 for at least a week or two, because I have to send it back because it's messed up, and then N.E.W. will send me a Best Buy gift card for the original purchase price, and I'll have to buy a new one. Unless Geek Squad can get it to work when I take it to Best Buy to see if they can get the disc out. But I'm still without the PS3 for at least a week or more, which means that I've lost my major form of entertainment, namely movies. (Which doubly sucks, considering we're paying for Netflix.)
On the plus side of things, I'll get to buy the PS3 with the 80 gig hard drive, which is what I wanted in the first place, but they had pulled all the original 80 gig ones off the shelf just before I purchase mine, in preparation for the re-release of an 80 gig special edition model. So I guess that's the silver lining to this whole situation.
I'm heading to Acworth/Woodstock on Saturday with Monica, so I'll be taking my PS3 with me, and stopping by the Best Buy store that I purchased it at, to see what can be done. I'm really going to miss being able to watch movies though, and it's going to be a very LONG 2 weeks. *sigh* Oh well, there's nothing much I can do about it, so I guess I'll just have to go with the flow...
July 19, 2009
Griffin Day 2009
The day started with a 5K run/walk along a trail cut through the Adams' property. Then some people left while others stayed and socialized. In the evening there was a pot luck dinner, and an open air concert featuring some local artists. Prizes were raffled off, and again, all proceeds went to Griffin and his family.
I spent some of my time taking pictures of everyone, and I have put some of them online. If you would like to view them then head on over to I took close to 800 pictures that day, but I only put 176 or so online, and they're not full-sized because it took quite a while to upload these. But you'll get an idea of what it was life. They're not professional pictures, so don't expect too much! lol Also, if you have any problems with the site, please let me know.
If you would like a full sized version of one, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Thanks, and have a great week. Peace.
July 2, 2009
Twitter App For Windows Mobile
I don't have a snazzy iPhone or a Blackberry, but Twikini received high ratings as a Windows Mobile Twitter app, so I'm going to check it out. For more information about the program, visit
Thanks, and have a safe and happy 4th of July!
June 29, 2009
Well, Monica has been in RI since Thursday, and will be there through July 4th. As for myself, I'm here at home, going stir crazy. I have all this time on my hands, and nothing to do with it. I don't really know anyone up here (other than my sister and her family, and some friends of hers), and I'm not into the whole partying/drinking scene (that starts in December, when I hit "middle age.") It's kind of like being back in college, but at least back then I was in a dorm, and I had people around me all the time, whether I wanted to or not. Back then I used to go to movies at the Tate Center; play video games, pool, or ping-pong in the same place; play card games with the few people I knew in my dorm; or go fishing or mountain biking on the trails around Athens.
Now I just sit here at home for the most part, staying inside during these horribly humid days, and watching movies or working on the computer. I have no life. *sigh* Oh well, things could be worse I suppose, but I REALLY need to get away from here for a while, and go somewhere I've never been, or at least somewhere I haven't been in a long time. I need to get to the beach, or into the mountains...back to Nature somewhere. But it's so bloody HOT and HUMID! I just shut down this time of year. English people weren't made for humidity!
Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant. I just talked to Monica, and things are starting to work out better at the camp, so hopefully she'll have a great week, and make lots of new friends. As for myself, it's work and home, with the only break in my routine (at the moment anyway) being watching Jack and Esme on Tuesday night while Clare and Josh go out to dinner for their wedding anniversary. At least SOMEONE is having some fun around here. :)
Have a great week everyone. Peace.
June 25, 2009
Movie "Night"
At any rate, Monica and I went to see a matinee showing of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen today after we both got off work. It's an awesome movie, and excellent soundtrack, and a great movie score! I would definitely see that movie again, if anyone is interested in going to see it! :) It's another one I'll definitely be buying on Blue-Ray when it comes out in several months.
As far as the previews went, of the ones I saw, there are some very promising looking movies coming out over the next few months. The first is the latest installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. They went all in with the effects on this one, and it looks like it's going to be an awesome continuation of the series. Then there is a movie starring Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, based on the true story John Dillinger (Depp). It's called Public Enemies. Finally there is another movie I've been waiting for. It sounds cheesy, but the live action G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra movie that's coming out in August looks awesome, and it has 2 of my favorite (read bad @ss) cartoon characters in it, namely Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) and Storm Shadow (Cobra), both ninjas who trained together, but then became mortal enemies. They've definitely ramped the storyline up from the "nobody every dies" cartoon of the 1980s. This is a serious action flick, and looks to wow audiences looking for a high impact action thriller!
There was another movies, based on some Aime, that I missed the preview for because I was out getting popcorn and a drink for us, but if the title credits for it are any indication, it could also be another action movie hit. It's called The Last Airbender, and it's from M. Night Shyamalan. It will appeal to younger audiences for sure, because it's based on a cartoon.
Anyway, that's about it for now. Go see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen if you haven't seen it already. It's an awesome ride!
Have a great rest of the week. Peace.
June 22, 2009
Checking In
Anyway, today was another up and down day for us. Monica got her promotion at work, and is back to being a Department Head (although in a different department this time.) She'll be back earning what she was before we moved. As for myself, I'm back to being Supervisor of the ImPress Department, what I was doing before we moved. Unfortunately, it's not very likely that I'll be going back to what I was earning before the move. I MIGHT get back up to what I was earning when I first started with OfficeMax, nearly 3 years ago, but that's probably as high as they'll put me. But who knows, they might take pity on me and give me my old salary back. *fingers crossed* That was the good news.
On the down side of things, when I went to start my car up today, to drive home from work, I found that my battery was apparently dead, and the engine wouldn't turn over. Just what I wanted on a 95+ degree summer day! Anyway, after hanging out at work and at Moe's (the restaurant) for an hour or so, I got a jump from one of my coworkers, and was able to make it home. We might just have to buy a new battery soon though, and that was an additional expense we didn't need.
On the plus side, I got a card for a free burrito at Moe's from one of the corporate guys who's there all the time. He came over to me and introduced himself, thanking me for giving Moe's my frequent business (he sees me in there more or less every time he's there), and handed me the card for the free burrito. I guess all that sitting around waiting for a jump paid off in the end. :)
Anyway, I'm off to stream a NetFlix movie with Monica. Have a good evening all. I'll be back to post more in the near future. Stay cool.
June 9, 2009
You get the loan, to get the degree, to get the job, to spend forever paying back the loan you got to get the degree (and therefor the job) in the first place! For the lucky few who end up with a decent paying job, they find a way to break the cycle. The rest of us are stuck in this gerbil ball from Hell, walking in place and never really getting anywhere fast. I hate feeling like a gerbil...
June 7, 2009
Dad's Birthday Pictures - Part 1
June 5, 2009
As Close As I'll Get
Monica sent me this picture from her phone today. She was out with her sisters and her family, somewhere in the Miami/Miramar area. She informed me that the Sea Monkey was definitely part Limey, because fish 'n chips were the only thing she'd been craving all day, and that she'd eaten that for lunch. I asked her where she'd eaten fish 'n chips and she was like, "Oh, at the bar at the pool..."
I'm glad she's having a good time. I wish I could have been there with them all, but she REALLY needed to be there, so I'm glad it worked out that she was able to go. She'll be back late Sunday night/early Morning morning, so it isn't a long trip, but I'm sure the getaway will do her the world of good. And spending time with family is always nice.
As for myself, I'm off to Acworth with Clare and the kids in the morning, to celebrate our dad's birthday. The plan is to rent a pontoon boat (I think) and spend a few hours on the lake, but we'll have to see how that goes. It will be good practice for me, having my schedule basically determined by children. When they're ready to go, they're READY TO GO, so there's no telling how long we'll have to hang out tomorrow. But it will be good to see dad and Sandra. It's been a while since I've been down that way. (It will also be nice to get a bunch more meat to put in the deep freezer, so that's an added incentive to make the drive! *g*)
At any rate, I'm just hanging out by myself for the most part, doing the "bachelor" bit once again. There's not much going on around here. It was nice to spend some time with Clare, Josh, and the kids though; something I haven't been able to do much lately because of my work schedule. Things seem to be evening out though, and this next week it looks like I'll finally be on the regular ImPress Supervisor schedule of Monday (or Tuesday this week) through Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM. I'm sure I'll have to work a Saturday, Sunday, or evening here and there, but for the most part my schedule should finally have stabilized. Now I just need to work on raising my pay. *smile* One thing at a time though, one thing at a time.
Have a great weekend everyone, and stay safe. Peace.
June 4, 2009
The 2009 Walk To Defeat ALS
In the meantime, we're trying to raise money for Team King Tribute, in memory of Monica's mom, Kim King. Please take a moment and click here to visit my personal donation page. I'm setting a lofty goal of raising $5,000 myself this year, but I can't do it without your help.
So please consider making a tax deductible donation to a great and necessary organization, and joining us on the walk this November.
Thank you for your time, and please have a wonderful day.
May 27, 2009
There's A New King In Town
I found out about it today, when one of the waitresses came into OfficeMax and handed me 25 menus to laminate as quickly as possible. I asked her if it was a Medieval themed place, and she informed me that it was "more like an English pub." I told her that I was FROM England, and that I'd have to come see just how "English" it really was! lol
The menu is kind of sparse, but they only officially opened yesterday, and there's only 1 guy who does all the cooking (but apparently he used to own or work at some fairly well-known restaurant, and he's an amazing chef.) The prices range from about $4 to $12 (for a 2 person serving of fish 'n chips), with the majority of items coming in at $8. All the prices are even dollar amounts (no change), and apparently they don't charge sales tax (or at least they didn't today.)
I had planned on checking the place out sometime in the next couple of weeks, but when Monica and I were heading to Wal-Mart tonight, to pick up a few needed items, I was apparently in a daze and on autopilot (thinking about my 10 days without a break work schedule), and drove right past Wal-Mart. Monica was talking on the phone with one of the receptionists at the place she has to go to tomorrow for an ultrasound, and we just sailed right on by Wal-Mart.
As we were passing Lowe's, and I realized I'd gone past Wal-Mart already, I also realized that I had no idea where I was going. I was just sort of driving. As we were both hungry, and I had told Monica about the new restaurant, we decided that we go check it out. So we headed over to Five Points, parked in the Hodgeson's parking lot (they're moving, by the way, after YEARS in that location!), and walked along the edge of some utility construction (that has part of South Lumpkin shut down down) to the restaurant which is just up the street.
We sat outside on the patio, and were waited on by the same lady who'd brought the menus in to be laminated (she seems to be one of the only waitresses working there at the moment.) She didn't recognize me because I was "incognito", having on sunglasses and a hat, but I decided not to mess with her too much, since she looked pretty busy.
She informed us that the bottled beers were still a little warm, and that they were just coming down to the right drinking temperature, and let us know that they were out of several items on the menu (which was a real bummer, because there weren't that many to start with. We were going to get fish 'n chips (which looked delicious), but they were out of fries, and were having to sub homemade crisps (potato chips) instead. You can't have fish 'n chips without large, yummy fries, so we opted not to get that this time. They were also out of their Rum Navy Pie, which we were also going to get, so that was another bit of a let down. They still had some delicious sounding items though, so we made alternate choices.
Monica and I both had the "Royale With Cheese" bacon cheeseburgers, and we shared a small cup of Lamb Stew (which case with a slice of nice crusty bread.) The stew was DELICIOUS, if possibly a bit salty, with lots of carrots and potatoes and big chunks of tender meat (I really want that recipe!) And the burger was one of the best burgers I've had in a long time!
So even though we couldn't get exactly what we wanted, we still had a wonderfully delicious meal! The restaurant/pub also has a nice selection of beers, ales, Guinness, a cider or two, and various other interesting sounding drinks, and these seemed to be one of the main crowd draws (this is a college town after all!)
At any rate, the food was delicious, and reasonably priced, and we will definitely be returning sometime in the near future to have a go at the fish 'n chips, to see just how close they come to the real thing! So if you planning on checking this restaurant out, let me know. Monica and I would love to join you! Hail to the King! :)
A Plethora Of Playthings
The neighbors (at least the parents; we're not sure about the son yet), are going on vacation for 2 weeks (starting today I think), so we're going to try and coax the kittens over to our house to join their cousins.
What all of this means though, is that we now have at least 9 kittens (and probably 2 cats) to find homes for. The Humane Society is starting to look like the best idea, but I really don't want to do that. if I can avoid it. So if you want a kitten, just let me know! They're cute! :)
It's Official
Please keep us in your prayers, because there's no telling how this pregnancy will go. We're just thankful for the chance to be parents-to-be. :) With a little luck, and a lot of prayer, this little Sea Monkey will spend the next 8 or 9 months growing into a strong, healthy little baby.
We're both leaning towards it being a girl, even though Monica's only about 10 weeks pregnant (according to the doctor yesterday), and she doesn't go for her ultrasound until Thursday. It's still too early for them to tell (I believe, but I'm new to this stuff, so who knows), but we think that it will be a little girl (or twins or something. lol)
I've been 100% correct so far in predicting the sex of every baby that's been born to a family member or friend, so we'll see how well I do when it's mine. It's still a bit early to say for sure, but it "feels" like a girl. We'll have to wait and see though. :)
Anyway, I have set up a new blog (yes, ANOTHER one) to track my journey towards first time fatherhood, and to chart Monica's progress throughout the pregnancy. It's still fairly rudimentary at the moment, but nothing much has happened yet, so there's not much to add. As we get sonogram pictures, more detailed information, due dates, etc., I'll update the blog more and more. In the meantime, if you'd like to bookmark it, and follow along, here is the URL:
Thanks for all the support everyone has shown us, and please continue to keep us in your prayers throughout the remainder of this year. I'll post more details as they become available.