June 9, 2009


I received the Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection in the mail today. I get these programs so I can get jobs on the side that pay better than my actual job. The problem is, I need to get one of those jobs to earn money to buy a new computer that's capable of actually RUNNING these new programs without crashing. Half the time I can't even install them! So unfortunately, it's one big, vicious circle. Sort of like college.

You get the loan, to get the degree, to get the job, to spend forever paying back the loan you got to get the degree (and therefor the job) in the first place! For the lucky few who end up with a decent paying job, they find a way to break the cycle. The rest of us are stuck in this gerbil ball from Hell, walking in place and never really getting anywhere fast. I hate feeling like a gerbil...

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