October 24, 2009

The End Is Near

This whole home buying saga is nearly at an end (or more technically a beginning, I suppose.) After weeks of dragging things out, the lenders (and everyone else involved), have finally locked in a time and date for the closing. As of 4 PM next Thursday (or whenever all the paperwork is finished and everything finalized), Monica and I will officially be home owners. :)

I wish we would have closed this past Tuesday (or last Tuesday) like we were supposed to, because I wanted to be IN the house on Halloween, not MOVING IN, but at least we'll be in by the end of the month (AT the end of the month actually!) It's been a long, stressful process (more so for Monica, because she's been the main one dealing with everything), but it's finally coming to an end.

Once we get settled in the new place, we're going to have a house warming party at some point, so those who want to can come visit us. Stay tuned for more details on that.

That's it for now. I have to get back to my Web coding, but I wanted to update this blog with some good news for a change. Have a great weekend everyone! :)

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