August 29, 2009

Wanting To Get Into The Wild

I watched an excellent movie tonight. It's called Into The Wild, and it's based on a true story, and the book written by Jon Krakauer. Sean Penn directs the movie, and it features evocative music by Eddie Vedder, and amazing scenery from Alaska and various other states around the country. It's the kind of movie that really makes you take a close look at your life; where you're heading, and where you've been.

I really want to read the book now, because although the movie was amazing, movies can rarely hold a candle to the written word, and I think there's a lot more to the story that just couldn't be covered in the 2 1/2 hours on the DVD.

But if you're looking for a moving, thought-provoking movie to pass the time, be sure to check out Into The Wild. I think you'll be glad you did.


AmyK said...

I love that movie..

Matt F. said...

Yeah, it was a great movie. I want to read the book though, to get the full/true story.