April 27, 2009


Monica asked me to bring her camera out onto the porch earlier tonight, because there was a Luna Moth on the wall. I used to take pictures of them all the time when I worked/lived up at the Len Foote Hike Inn, but it's been a while since I've seen one, so I grabbed my camera too, and went out to try and take some pictures.

Patches was in on the fun too (unfortunately trying to EAT said Luna Moth while I was trying to take pictures of it.) This did not make me (or the moth) very happy! After shoving Patches off the porch a few times, and picking him and and pulling him away from the moth that was frantically flapping around on the porch, looking for a means of escape, I told Monica to open the screen door and turn the porch light off. That was when the Luna Moth decided it was safer inside our house, which was ultimate correct, after a few close calls with the ceiling fan.

Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of the Luna Moth, while it was outside on the porch, and inside on our carpet. I hope you enjoy them. :)

1 comment:

clare adams said...

awesome pics!!!!!!!!! i want one! -)