April 13, 2009

Flood Season?

As I sit here at my computer, eating chips and Tex-Mex dip from yesterday's wonderful Easter lunch and listening to the on and off rain, I can't help but wonder if we're entering a "flood period." Here in Georgia at least, we've been under drought conditions for so many years, but from what I've heard, we've come out of that now, due to the extreme amount of rain we've been having over the past month or two. Now our problems see to be quite the opposite - we're getting too much rain! The ground is super saturated, and the water just isn't sinking down to the water tables as fast as necessary. Local rivers are starting to crest and flood, and a whole new problem scenario is developing.

Now we're not getting ANYTHING in the way of what places like Fargo were/are getting, but we are getting more rain than we've had in years, and frankly it's becoming quite tedious. Gardens are starting to rot from too much water; creeks and rivers which are usually lovely scenes to look at are turning into potentially dangerous obstacles to vehicular and foot traffic; and with the addition of all these strong winds we've been having lately (and are having again today), trees that have had their root systems weakened by all the rain are being brought down onto power lines, houses, or other objects not generally helped by large, heavy objects on top of them. But I digress.

On the plus side of things, rain is one of the best friends of pollen allergy sufferers, because it douses all that nasty yellow-green stuff, and washes much of it away. I'm definitely all for that! I just miss being able to go out with my camera on a nice sunny day, and take pictures of things that interest me. But we do need the rain, so I'm going to stop harping on it (for the time being anyway. *G*)

What I'm really hoping for is more of a metaphorical shift from a "drought season" to a "flood season", in that money and job opportunities have been so tight and/or scarce for so many years, that I hope the dam has finally broken and that the flood waters of relief have been set free. I want to see a greater availability of good employment opportunities; a rise in hourly wages or salaries (hopefully coming by June, when the minimum wage is supposed to be raised to $7.25 an hour, theoretically pushing other wages just a bit higher in turn); and all around general improvement of conditions. Yes, I know this is much more optimistic than my usual self, but I was trying to avoid voicing what I really think is going to happen. :-/ That, and I just love metaphors! hehe

So anyway, as my time to get ready for work draws steadily closer, I leave you all with this thought. Have the floods of prosperity come to wash away the drought of depression and recession? Or are we just up the proverbial creek without a paddle? Only time will tell...

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