December 17, 2008

Well Worth The Effort

I just had my first bowl of the venison stew and I must say, it was well worth all the time and effort that went into making it (from field dressing the deer to turning it into something I'd be happy to serve to my friends and family.) For the most part it looks and tastes like beef stew, but with a slight variation in taste. Some of you will be lucky enough to try some of it for yourselves. For the rest of you, if you would like the base recipe (I modified it slightly) just let me know and I'll give it to you.

So that's 2 things I've made from the venison so far - jerky and stew. The next thing will either be a venison roast, venison/pork chili, venison/pork meatloaf, or spaghetti and meatballs with (you guessed it!) venison/pork meatballs. (In case you missed my previous posts, I ground up some of the venison and mixed it with ground pork that we got from Dad and Sandra.)

The best part about all of this is that the meat didn't cost me anything. It was an unexpected surprise received during a day spent with my sister. I saw another deer that had been hit, on my way home this afternoon, and it looked a good bit larger than the deer we picked up. But I was in my Saturn (and didn't know how long it had been on the side of the road, although it looked pretty fresh), so I didn't stop to pick it up (although I thought about it!)

I'm sure there are some of you out there who might be like "Eww! That's disgusting! You're eating road kill!" and there was a time when I probably would have agreed with you. But when money's tight, and you actually see the animal get hit, and know that it's a "fresh kill", you just don't turn down free meat! I could take the time to hunt the animal myself (and I plan to at some point), or I can take advantage of an opportunity that presents itself. Either way, the meat isn't going to waste, and the animal didn't die in vain.

Okay, I guess that's about it for now. The back of my skull is throbbing with a headache, and I'm waiting for the Excedrin Migraine to kick in, so I'm going to wrap this up. Happy holidays everyone, and thanks for stopping by. Peace.

1 comment:

clare adams said...

hi! loved hanging out yesterday if only 4 a minute! good going pon the stew