When Clare got back from running her errands (and I from mine), I drove over to her house and we spent the day together with Jack and Esme. I kept Clare company while she sat atop the walls of the cob house she's building and scraped away the grass that's starting to grow from all the rain that's fall on the cob lately. Then we sat around the wood burning stove and at generic Fig Newtons while sipping hot PG Tips tea (another delicious English tea.) When the kids woke up, we went outside to shoot a few rounds from my .22 rifle at the stump across the yard. Then Clare went to the post office with Esme while Jack and I hung out by the cob house, listening to the animals in the woods. (I thought there was a deer walking along the ridge near us (and there may have been), but one thing I did see making noise was a squirrel.)
Anyway, when Clare got back home, we went back inside to warm up around the fire again, and I read 3 books to Jack (one of them twice), watched some strange children's nature show with him, and had a nice bowl of carrots, potatoes, and sausage. Then I wandered back home, leaving Clare to bathe the kids and get them to bed.
All in all it was an enjoyable day, and I do so love being able to spend some quality time with Clare and her family. Here are a couple pictures from today.

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