October 25, 2008

It's The Final Countdown

While classic 80s music blares in the background (Europe's The Final Countdown of course), I ponder on the fact that this is the last week I'll be living in this house. We officially commence the move to Crawford one week from today, Saturday, November 1st. It's been a bumpy past 3 years, with numerous ups and downs, but we've (for the most part) enjoyed our time in this house (even if I felt like a giant among men at times, due to the low ceilings throughout the place.)

Right now our house looks like a bomb went off in it (if that bomb was also able to fill numerous boxes with random stuff and stack in piles throughout the house.) We've got a lot of stuff packed up already, and a lot of stuff that's still in closets and packed from when we moved INTO this house, but we still have a long way to go, and this is going to be one crazy week! Add to that the fact that some potential new renters are stopping by tomorrow to check the place out, and things are getting a bit stressful. We warned Dad and Sandra that the place isn't really up to "showing specs", but they didn't seem to mind (or at the very least care, not that they told us.) We will do our best tonight and tomorrow to tidy up as much as possible, and make it at least SOMEWHAT presentable, but there's still going to be stuff EVERYWHERE! What we really need is one of those POD things, that we could park outside in the driveway and fill with the boxes as we pack them. It's kind of frustrating packing stuff and moving it to one location. And then moving it again into what ever we're going to move it to Crawford in. And then moving it AGAIN when we take it all into the house and unpack it all. Why hasn't anyone perfected teleportation yet?!? I mean come on, that would be SO much easier than driving 2 hours back and forth between houses!

Okay, enough complaining. We're really excited about the move, but right now we're having to deal with the frustrations of packing, and the allergies that are being induced by all the dust we're stirring up. Still, it's almost over. I have one more week working at OfficeMax down here, and then it's time to pick everything up and move it north-east, where I will start unpacking it and getting my lair setup in the new place. With the way things look right now though, it might be a bachelor pad, at least for a little while, because Monica may be remaining in the area and living with a co-worker for a week or more, until Home Depot raises the employee transfer "freeze" they have in place at the moment, or they figure out somewhat to transfer her to the Athens store despite the ban. So she could end up living with a friend and female co-worker of hers, and I could end up living in the big old house in Crawford all by myself for a while. (Did I mention movie & game night?!? [See my last post.] Clare, you might be seeing a LOT of me over the next week or two, because it might be just me at the house, and you'll be the only people I know in the area! lol)

Anyway, thanks to those of you out there who are coming to help us move. We definitely appreciate all the help we can get, and it will be fun showing the new place to our friends. We just have to cross our fingers and hope that the hole job situation resolves itself quickly, and that Monica is able to join me in Crawford ASAP! We've lived apart before, during the time we've been married, and it sucks, but we're sort of used to it (sadly.) I'm just glad she'll be among friends who she likes and who can take care of her. :)

So let the countdown begin! T-1 week and counting. Rock now, rock the night! (Sorry, Europe again. *g*) Have a great weekend all. Peace.

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