October 11, 2008

I Love Fall

The weather is so wonderful today, that I'm going to try and get out somewhere to do some photography. I want Monica to come along, but she hasn't been feeling that well this week, and doesn't want to venture too far from home. We did enjoy a nice buffet breakfast at the Chick-Fil-A Dwarf house on Hwy 92 this morning though, after having a leisurely lie-in until 11 AM. It was nice to be able to go out for breakfast together. Most of the time we work opposing schedules, so we don't get to spend much time together (I'm sure you can relate to that, Clare, but you have kids to boot, so that makes things even more challenging.)

Anyway, I took the time to enjoy the breeze out in the front yard, and pursue a childhood pastime, namely blowing bubbles. I got this fun "bubble sword" in my Christmas stocking last year, and every so often I wander out into the yard with it and blow copious amounts of bubbles, or a smaller number of larger ones. I can get hundreds of bubbles from a single dip into the bubble formula sometime, and the cats have a ball trying to chase the elusive spheres all over the yard as they are borne on the breeze. I also took advantage of the fact that Monica still smokes (unfortunately), and had her blow some smoke-filled ones that would drift away, filled with a swirling haze, until we popped them and released the little clouds of smoke that they had contained. Such childhood delights (except the smoking part. I hope there aren't too many children out there who have picked up that habit!)

So now I'm just waiting for my digital camera battery to finish charging, and then I'm going to venture out into the breezy day to take some pictures, and maybe do a spot of fishing (if I can find some water that can be reached from the shore.)

I love this weather, and look forward to it each and every year. It's the perfect weather to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. Oh, and Monica has expressed the desire to get a sturdy, lightweight mountain bike, and to get back into riding, so if any of you out there know anyone who's looking to get rid of a couple bikes (one guy's, one girl's) please let us know. I'd like to get at least 18 speed ones, maybe by Trek, Cannondale, or some other well-known company. We want ones that can stand up to the rigours of trail riding, boulder hopping, etc. (at least I do.) So please let us know if you hear of anything. Thanks! :)

Well that's about it for now. I'm off to check on my battery, and then out to enjoy the wonderful windy weather. Until next time, take care, and enjoy the rest of the weekend! Peace.

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