October 22, 2008

Coming Soon - Movie & Game Nights

Okay, for the few of you out there who actually follow my blog, it's obvious that I have watched a lot of movies over the past few months. Thanks to Netflix, RedBox, and the occasional purchased or TV movie, I have seen at least 52 movies recently, and those are just the ones I've posted on my blog. That's at least 1 movie for every week of the year, and I've seen them all in a 2-3 month period! It sounds like I've got a LOT of spare time on my hands, but I don't really. I just stay up later than most normal people, and have back-to-back-to-back movie marathon nights fairly often. Sometimes it's just me watching all these movies, but usually Monica joins me and we watch them together. But why not share the cinematic experience and the joy of movies with others?

With that said, as soon as we're settled into the new place in, I plan on trying to have a "movie night" at least once a week, and inviting friends and family over for an evening of movies, popcorn, drinks and snacks. And who knows; if you're nice, I may even cook dinner for you once in a while! *grin* I still need to acquire a new surround sound setup to complete the theater-like experience, but I have a nice new TV that's a blast to watch movies (and play games) on. It's not huge, but it's much bigger than the TV most of you out there used to watch at our house, and it's high definition so the picture and sound is so much better that what I was always used to!

The new place has much more room too, so hopefully we'll be able to host and entertain lots of friends and family members in the near future. In addition to movies nights, we also plan to have game nights, Sunday brunches, and cook-outs, so stay tuned for more information about that.

We're not entirely sure what the immediate future holds job-wise, so our living situations might be a little odd for a while (more on that, should the need arise), but we plan on being in the new place the first week of November. So if you're available to help us move and/or get setup in our new house, then please let me know before next weekend. Halloween (next Friday) will be my last day at the local OfficeMax, and we plan to start moving out the following Saturday. The sooner we get our things moved into the new place and setup, the sooner we can have you all over to hang out with us, so any help would be greatly appreciated! *smile*

As usual, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my ramblings. Have a great rest of the week, and we look forward to seeing some of you soon. Peace.

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