July 16, 2008


Well, my cell phone, much like the one Monica was using, given to her by her friend Louise, seems to be possessed. Everything was fine untili last night, when the screen suddenly went blank and white, then off, then back on and white (with a number something like 2:14-58 or something flashing on the screen briefly.) When it came back to "normal" all my menu item text, on every menu, was replaced by numbers. So instead of "Pictures" it might say something like "2:14-76." Needless to say, this does not make operating the phone particular easy. I was okay with it though, and it still worked for calls and everything, but I think I've screwed that up now, by trying to access the "Master Reset" option. I did this, but I think I selected a full reset instead of just a reset of the settings. Apparently it was going to erase everything on my phone. I tried to stop it, finally taking the battery out of the back and rebooting the phone. Unfortunately it was in the middle of resetting itself at the time, and now it appears to be frozen in that process.

So what all this boils down to (most likely), is that I'm going to have to buy a new phone (and one for Monica too.) Right now, I have no way to make or receive calls, which is a major inconvenience, because my cell phone and my email are pretty much my only forms of contact. So needless to say I'm a little upset at the moment...

So if you try to call from me, and I don't answer, or you don't hear from me for any reason, that's why. I hope to have the situation fixed soon. Thanks.

PS> I'm kind of tired while I'm writing this, so if there's a bunch of typos and errors, I appologize.

1 comment:

clare adams said...

bummer sorry about phone...great 2 c u!