The weather was so wonderful last night! While we were driving home from dinner, I was talking to Monica about how it would be a perfect night to go camping. As it was getting on a little in the evening, we didn't have time to actually GO anywhere to go camping, but I jokingly said "hey, I could set the tent up in the backyard, and then we could put the air mattress in there and camp out!" Surprisingly, Monica was all for this, but by the time we got home, I really didn't feel like getting out my tent, going through the motions of setting it up, etc... However, we still had an easily inflatable air mattress that's pretty comfortable, and we have a screened in back porch that we've finally reclaimed (mostly) from the dog and cats and all the chaos (and fleas) that went along with them. So, seeing that it was a wonderfully cool (given the fact that it's the middle of summer) and windy night (thanks, Fay!), we decided to inflate the air mattress, move a bit of furniture around on the back porch, and sleep "inside outdoors." So that's exactly what we did, and it was a great, breezy night's rest.

Yesterday, when I got home from work, I wandered over to Lake Acworth with my camera to take some pictures, and do a little fishing. It was really overcast, so it wasn't the best light for what I wanted to do, but here are a couple of pictures I took.
Well, that's about it for now. I think Monica and I are going to eat a quick breakfast, and then we're off to see a movie! It is my PLAN to try and post something at least once a day, every day, here on my Blog, just to get back into the habit of writing on a regular basis. Some days I will post multiple times, and others, obviously, I will miss. But I am at least going to attempt to update this thing more often, so those patient couple of people out there who actually read this thing will have new stuff to look at on a regular basis.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend. Peace.
what a FUN idea!!! i love the porch camping is the best of both worlds and you don't have to drag everything back in the next day =) thinkinng of coming up to see dad on thur ...while he is recouping...will i get to see you? early dinnerish maybe..or lunch...what is your work schedule and monicas me
Well, I have no idea what Monica's schedule for this week is like, but I don't know they have inventory (on Wednesday and Thursday I think) this week, so the likelihood of her getting home at a reasonable hour is slim. Also, Thursday is one of my "late" days this week, and I don't get off until 4 PM at the earliest, so I doubt that would be much good for you, since you'll probably be on your way back home by then. Let me know though. We'd love to see you guys (whomever might be with you.) Maybe we can work something out.
Take care, and keep in touch! :)
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