Well, I've set up yet another blog at a different blogging Web site (WordPress.com) to see which I like better. Right now, the new blog is set up as a "photo blog", so I don't know how much I'll be doing with it, but it's interesting to check out some new technologies.
At any rate, if you'd like to check it out, just click on the title of this post to link to the new site. Be patient though...there isn't much there yet.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and have a great Labor Day weekend. Peace.
August 31, 2008
August 29, 2008
I've Seen HOW MANY movies?!?
Well, the list keeps growing...I think I've seen at least 17 movies in the last 3 weeks now! (I think I need a new hobby.) At least Monica has been enjoying most of the movies with me, so I don't feel THAT bad watching that many. *g*
I had a really long day at work today...an almost 10 hour shift, with no lunch, and no break. I guess I can't complain though. Monica works longer hours than me on a regular basis, so the occasional shift that runs 2 or more hours over my schedule shift duration isn't too bad (although they're becoming a lot more common as of late.) At any rate, I wouldn't mind the longer hours, if I had a chance to get a lunch in there somewhere, but all too often I've been working my shifts without a lunch break, because there hasn't really been anyone who could effectively cover the department, or who could be spared from the sales floor. Again, no big deal...I can always use the 30 extra minutes I get from NOT taking a lunch, although I get fussed at from time to time because it looks like my employers are working me long hours without a lunch break, and that doesn't look good for the company. lol
At any rate, today was a busy day, and one of my customers wanted me to print out some fund raising fliers for ALS research, for the ALS Ironhorse Foundation. They're having a golf tournament and are looking for sponsors to donate money that will be put towards medical studies and research on ALS (Lou Gherigh's disease, for those of you who don't know.)
The weird thing about it is, before Kim was stricken with ALS, we'd never really heard about the disease that much, and the only person we knew who had it was Stephen Hawking. Now, since Kim's passing, ALS seems to be popping up everywhere - the fliers at work today, various and random occurrences in discussions I've had with different people...even NASCAR has a car racing in the circuit right now that has all of the proceeds from its race winnings going to ALS research!
It seems that ALS is now one of the new "buzz words" in the medical community, and it's appearing more in the media each day. It seems that a lot of the troops who fought in Desert Storm are now getting ALS also, and they're thinking that there's a good chance the occurrence of the disease is related the troop's exposure to certain chemicals that were used during the war. It makes me wonder if that was how Kim contracted the disease...from exposure to chemicals she might have come into contact with on the farm, or at work or something. It's also interesting to note that many of the people who now have (or have died from) ALS were in peak physical condition. Kim was strong and in good shape from working on the farm; the lady I talked with at work today said that the people she personally knew who'd died from ALS were in excellent shape (one competed in triathlons); and obviously the US soldiers who fought in Dessert Storm (and in subsequent wars) obviously had to be in good shape to be in the military. So why is it that all these healthy and strong individuals are suddenly being crippled by this disease? So many questions, so few answers. I hope one day someone can make sense of it all.
Well, I didn't intend for this post to be this depressing and melodramatic, but there you go. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Labor Day weekend. Peace.
I had a really long day at work today...an almost 10 hour shift, with no lunch, and no break. I guess I can't complain though. Monica works longer hours than me on a regular basis, so the occasional shift that runs 2 or more hours over my schedule shift duration isn't too bad (although they're becoming a lot more common as of late.) At any rate, I wouldn't mind the longer hours, if I had a chance to get a lunch in there somewhere, but all too often I've been working my shifts without a lunch break, because there hasn't really been anyone who could effectively cover the department, or who could be spared from the sales floor. Again, no big deal...I can always use the 30 extra minutes I get from NOT taking a lunch, although I get fussed at from time to time because it looks like my employers are working me long hours without a lunch break, and that doesn't look good for the company. lol
At any rate, today was a busy day, and one of my customers wanted me to print out some fund raising fliers for ALS research, for the ALS Ironhorse Foundation. They're having a golf tournament and are looking for sponsors to donate money that will be put towards medical studies and research on ALS (Lou Gherigh's disease, for those of you who don't know.)
The weird thing about it is, before Kim was stricken with ALS, we'd never really heard about the disease that much, and the only person we knew who had it was Stephen Hawking. Now, since Kim's passing, ALS seems to be popping up everywhere - the fliers at work today, various and random occurrences in discussions I've had with different people...even NASCAR has a car racing in the circuit right now that has all of the proceeds from its race winnings going to ALS research!
It seems that ALS is now one of the new "buzz words" in the medical community, and it's appearing more in the media each day. It seems that a lot of the troops who fought in Desert Storm are now getting ALS also, and they're thinking that there's a good chance the occurrence of the disease is related the troop's exposure to certain chemicals that were used during the war. It makes me wonder if that was how Kim contracted the disease...from exposure to chemicals she might have come into contact with on the farm, or at work or something. It's also interesting to note that many of the people who now have (or have died from) ALS were in peak physical condition. Kim was strong and in good shape from working on the farm; the lady I talked with at work today said that the people she personally knew who'd died from ALS were in excellent shape (one competed in triathlons); and obviously the US soldiers who fought in Dessert Storm (and in subsequent wars) obviously had to be in good shape to be in the military. So why is it that all these healthy and strong individuals are suddenly being crippled by this disease? So many questions, so few answers. I hope one day someone can make sense of it all.
Well, I didn't intend for this post to be this depressing and melodramatic, but there you go. Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Labor Day weekend. Peace.
August 25, 2008
Half a cantaloupe and half a pan of somewhat undercooked brownies...not such a good idea. I don't feel so good... Blah. :( Why do I do this to myself? Oh well, it will pass.....
Red Box Rentals
Well, today was another free movie day, thanks to Redbox. If you're not familiar with Redbox, you should check it out. Ours is in the local Wal-Mart, but they have them in various other stores, or so I'm told. They are DVD rental "vending machines." You search the movies that are in the box, add the ones you want to check out to your list, and then swipe your credit/debit card and rent them. They rent for $1 per night, as as long as you have them back before 9 PM the next evening, you'll only pay $1 per movie, plus tax. You don't have the selection of an actual video store, or a service like Net Flix, but hey, you can't beat the price. Well, actually, you can!
Every Monday and Wednesday Redbox sends out a code that allows you to rent 1 video per credit/debit card for free. If you return it before 9 PM the following evening, you'll owe nothing. If you have more than one card, you can rent more than one free movie. So that's what Monica and I have been doing over the past couple of weeks; renting movie after movie, and often watching them 2 or 3 at a time, back to back. So, needless to say, we've seen a LOT of movies lately! I have seen a couple more than Monica, because there were a few she didn't watch. Also, there are one or two movies on my rolling movie list to the right that I actually own, and that weren't rented from Redbox. The majority of them came from Redbox though.
If you have a cell phone that can receive text messages, go to redbox.com, sign up for an account, and you can have the free rental codes sent to you in a text message every Monday and Wednesday. Then you can pass them on to your friends, or whomever, and THEY can get free rentals too (it even says "Fwd to friends" in the text message you receive.)
Anyway, tonight I rented 10,000 B.C., which I just finished watching, and The Other Boleyn Girl, which Monica wanted to see, and which I will probably watch with her later, when she wakes up from her nap (those 5 AM starts at Home Depot on Monday mornings are killer!)
Most of the movies I've seen were pretty good, and some of them were excellent. Of course, some of them were horrible too, but you can't win them all. The point is, 99% of them were free, and even a bad movie isn't so bad if it's free!
So jump online, visit the Redbox Web site, and start renting your own movies for free! I plan to keep adding to my movie list as I watch more movies, and at some point I may start to list the ratings I've personally given them, on this site. If you want to know about any of the movies that are listed, just drop me a message and I'll get back to you. :)
Well, that's about it for now. I'm off to check on Monica. Have a great night, and check back soon to see what's been added. Peace.
Every Monday and Wednesday Redbox sends out a code that allows you to rent 1 video per credit/debit card for free. If you return it before 9 PM the following evening, you'll owe nothing. If you have more than one card, you can rent more than one free movie. So that's what Monica and I have been doing over the past couple of weeks; renting movie after movie, and often watching them 2 or 3 at a time, back to back. So, needless to say, we've seen a LOT of movies lately! I have seen a couple more than Monica, because there were a few she didn't watch. Also, there are one or two movies on my rolling movie list to the right that I actually own, and that weren't rented from Redbox. The majority of them came from Redbox though.
If you have a cell phone that can receive text messages, go to redbox.com, sign up for an account, and you can have the free rental codes sent to you in a text message every Monday and Wednesday. Then you can pass them on to your friends, or whomever, and THEY can get free rentals too (it even says "Fwd to friends" in the text message you receive.)
Anyway, tonight I rented 10,000 B.C., which I just finished watching, and The Other Boleyn Girl, which Monica wanted to see, and which I will probably watch with her later, when she wakes up from her nap (those 5 AM starts at Home Depot on Monday mornings are killer!)
Most of the movies I've seen were pretty good, and some of them were excellent. Of course, some of them were horrible too, but you can't win them all. The point is, 99% of them were free, and even a bad movie isn't so bad if it's free!
So jump online, visit the Redbox Web site, and start renting your own movies for free! I plan to keep adding to my movie list as I watch more movies, and at some point I may start to list the ratings I've personally given them, on this site. If you want to know about any of the movies that are listed, just drop me a message and I'll get back to you. :)
Well, that's about it for now. I'm off to check on Monica. Have a great night, and check back soon to see what's been added. Peace.
August 24, 2008
Bring On The Breeze
Well, it was another enjoyable breezy and cloudy day today. There was a VERY brief sprinkle earlier, but it didn't amount to anything. At some point we're supposed to get some rain, but it's been looking overcast and stormy for the past 3 days, and hasn't really don't much, so who knows. Monica is on her way home from Kate's right now, but is stuck in bad traffic on I-85. I just got off the phone with her, after checking the Georgia Navigator Web site. There are 1 or 2 major accidents (at least) between her and home, so she's trying to get off the interstate right now, and find and alternate route home. This is one of those times when a high-end Tom Tom would come in handy. *sigh*
Anyway, not much to report at the moment. It's been a lazy kind of day, just hanging out and enjoying not being at work. This week is going to be busy at work for both of us (especially Monica, since she has inventory this week.) I hope the weather stays cooler and windy like this for a while, but I know it's going to change again soon, and go back to the miserable humid days of summer. Oh well, fall is coming soon...my favorite season. :)
That's it for now. Maybe I'll write more later. Have a great week everyone, and thanks for stopping by.
Anyway, not much to report at the moment. It's been a lazy kind of day, just hanging out and enjoying not being at work. This week is going to be busy at work for both of us (especially Monica, since she has inventory this week.) I hope the weather stays cooler and windy like this for a while, but I know it's going to change again soon, and go back to the miserable humid days of summer. Oh well, fall is coming soon...my favorite season. :)
That's it for now. Maybe I'll write more later. Have a great week everyone, and thanks for stopping by.
August 23, 2008
Indoor Camping
The weather was so wonderful last night! While we were driving home from dinner, I was talking to Monica about how it would be a perfect night to go camping. As it was getting on a little in the evening, we didn't have time to actually GO anywhere to go camping, but I jokingly said "hey, I could set the tent up in the backyard, and then we could put the air mattress in there and camp out!" Surprisingly, Monica was all for this, but by the time we got home, I really didn't feel like getting out my tent, going through the motions of setting it up, etc... However, we still had an easily inflatable air mattress that's pretty comfortable, and we have a screened in back porch that we've finally reclaimed (mostly) from the dog and cats and all the chaos (and fleas) that went along with them. So, seeing that it was a wonderfully cool (given the fact that it's the middle of summer) and windy night (thanks, Fay!), we decided to inflate the air mattress, move a bit of furniture around on the back porch, and sleep "inside outdoors." So that's exactly what we did, and it was a great, breezy night's rest.

Yesterday, when I got home from work, I wandered over to Lake Acworth with my camera to take some pictures, and do a little fishing. It was really overcast, so it wasn't the best light for what I wanted to do, but here are a couple of pictures I took.

Yesterday, when I got home from work, I wandered over to Lake Acworth with my camera to take some pictures, and do a little fishing. It was really overcast, so it wasn't the best light for what I wanted to do, but here are a couple of pictures I took.
Well, that's about it for now. I think Monica and I are going to eat a quick breakfast, and then we're off to see a movie! It is my PLAN to try and post something at least once a day, every day, here on my Blog, just to get back into the habit of writing on a regular basis. Some days I will post multiple times, and others, obviously, I will miss. But I am at least going to attempt to update this thing more often, so those patient couple of people out there who actually read this thing will have new stuff to look at on a regular basis.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend. Peace.
August 12, 2008
August 9, 2008
Buttermilk Fried Corn and First Quarter Moon Pies
Okay, so they're not really moon "pies," but I was on a food theme here, so bear with me. It felt so amazing yesterday evening/last night, and the moon was at a perfect first quarter, so I decided to break out my digital camera and shoot a few shots. (I know, you're probably tired of seeing pictures of the moon, especially when they all look more or less the same!) But hey, you're still reading this, so you must be at least SOMEWHAT interested! *g* Anyway, below are some of the pictures I took, with a couple different settings.

Today I thought I would try out a recipe in one of my barbecue cookbooks. It was for "Buttermilk Fried Corn." Now I thought, "Hey, I love corn nuggets! I'll make some!" I should have taken a hint from the part of the recipe that said "can be served as a side dish, or sprinkled on a salad." Nuggets these were not! They were just corn kernels, coated in buttermilk, flour and cornmeal (with a little bit of salt and pepper) and deep fried. And they didn't really have any taste to them, so I added a bit more pepper and some seasoned salt to try and liven them up a bit. Apparently I went a little overboard on the salt... *sigh* At any rate, I now have a bag of somewhat salty "corn nuts" of a sort. They're kind of crunchy, kind of chewy, and rather salty. They might go well on a salad, but they'd go even better in a soup, or anything that needed some corn and salt added! lol So I didn't end up with the delicious corn nuggets I was expecting, but oh well, you live and you learn.
Next up for this evening/this weekend are some dishes that can be eaten for several meals. I plan on making egg noodles with either Alfredo sauce or Garlic and Parmesan sauce, maybe with some grilled and diced chicken added in. And I have my Dutch oven now, so I plan on utilizing it for a few different meals. I think the first up (unless I find something else that appeals to me) will be some pulled barbecue pork. Yes, I know, I made that a week or two ago on the grill, but it's really easy to make, especially in the Dutch oven, and it will feed us for several days (and we can always freeze it if there's a lot, and enjoy it at another time.) I have a lot of recipes in my barbecue books that call for a Dutch oven, so I'm going to have fun experimenting with them. If any of you out there have any good Dutch oven recipes, I'd love to hear about them! Over the next week or so, I'm also going to cook some Cornish game hens, a large baking hen (a big chicken basically, but the taste is quite a bit different), and anything else I can cook on the grill and not heat up the house. I'm looking forward to doing some trout fishing soon, and having some fresh fish on the grill too! So many recipes, so little time... :)
Finally, as Clare mentioned, please keep our Dad in your prayers, as he's having his heart checked out at the hospital on Wednesday. Also, Monica is really in a depressed state at the moment, seriously missing her mother, and not really wanting to do much of anything, especially not go to work. If any of you can give her a call once in a while, and just chat with her, I think it would help a lot. Losing her mom has been really hard on her (as it was on all of us who've been there), and she's not doing too well. Please pray for her improved mental and physical well-being. Thanks.
Well, that about wraps up this post. Enjoy the pictures, have a great weekend, and keep in touch. Peace.

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