March 1, 2009

Hmmm...This Could Cause Problems

Well, as it turns out, they were RIGHT about the weather this time. So far we've had probably around 3-5 inches of snow and sleet, although the only places you can really tell how much we've had are elevated surfaces where the snow has had a chance to collect undisturbed. I know my car has as least 4 inches of snow on it, as do the porch rails, the railroad ties that border the front yard, and most of the mailboxes around here. It looks really beautiful. It's also rather deadly.

So far I've seen 3 or 4 limbs break off and come down. Most of them were pretty small, but I saw one limb, that was at least 10 feet long, fall from a neighbor's oak tree and crash through their fence, blocking off most of our road. Fortunately it was fairly small, all things considered, and another neighbor and I were able to move the top part of it (which had separated from the rest of the limb) out of the road and into the ditch at the front of the yard it fell in. Mistletoe was EVERYWHERE!

It made me think though. We have a lot of older oak and pecan trees in our yard, and that limb that came down didn't look particularly rotten or anything. Our cars sit in our driveway, under some wonderful oak and pecan trees; trees that are now making me rather nervous as the snow continues to fall and starts to freeze as night approaches and the temperatures are starting to drop. So I scraped several thick sections of snow off parts of my front and rear windshields, hopped into my car, and backed it up a bit on the driveway, out from under the largest of the limbs. Hopefully it will be okay. *fingers crossed*

Anyway, I probably shouldn't have been outside as long as I was, given the fact that I apparently have bronchitis and who knows what else, but snow covered landscapes just look so wonderful! With luck, the snow will stick around for a while tomorrow, and I can get some pictures of the house and trees all covered in snow.

This is such crazy and [somewhat] unexpected weather we're having! I'm off to check again to see just how bad it's like to get. Keep warm everyone!

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