March 17, 2009

The Bachelor Revisited

Monica will be on her way to Philly in about half an hour or so, on a stop between here and Providence. She's got just shy of an hour layover in Philly, then it's back on another plane to RI, where she will enjoy a chilly 33 degree night tonight. Tomorrow should be nice for her meetings though, if breezy - partly cloudy, 56 degrees, and 15-25mph winds. At any rate, I'm once again doing the whole "bachelor" gig, if only for a day or two. Catholic HEART Workcamp asked Monica to help out with one of the summer camps in RI this year, so she's heading up there this evening to spend the day meeting with the agencies tomorrow, before returning home tomorrow night.


**Just got a text message that she's boarding her first plane. Everyone pray for a safe flight for her!**

So on my day off today, with the weather nice for a change, after days of rain, I decided to head back out to Watson Mill Bridge State Park. I took all sorts of interesting pictures, and once I've had a chance to go through them all, and pick out the best ones, I'll post them on my FMD Photography site for everyone to look at.
So give me a couple hours, and then check out the site later this evening. Some of the pictures should be fun (I took lots of macro photographs of plants, insects, and spiders.) In the meantime, get outside, and enjoy the lovely weather we're having (it's supposed to rain again in a couple days, so you'd better enjoy it now!) Take care all. Peace.

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