May 9, 2008

The Urban Jungle

Here are some pictures I just took of the kittens playing in their "urban jungle" (the chaotic world of our screened-in back porch.) We still need to find homes for them all, so if you know of anyone who wants a kitten, please let me know! Thanks, and enjoy. :-) 

I have given the kittens names, so I can call them something when I talk to them. Obviously if anyone takes a kitten, they're welcome to change its name, because they really don't understand them yet anyway. :-) At any rate, here they are, in all their fur-clad glory!

"The Urban Jungle" - Shadow I

"The Urban Jungle" - Shadow II

"The Urban Jungle" - Shadow III

"The Urban Jungle" - Domino I

"The Urban Jungle" - Domino II

"The Urban Jungle" - Patches I

"The Urban Jungle" - Patches II

 "The Urban Jungle" - Patches III

"The Urban Jungle" - Socks I

"The Urban Jungle" - Socks II

"The Urban Jungle" - Socks III

"The Urban Jungle" - Socks IV

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