Well, today is the 2nd day in a row I've been home sick from work. I feel better than I did yesterday, but after another rough morning, there was no way I was going to go into work today. My ASM called a little while ago and asked if I was coming in tomorrow, and I've already committed myself to doing so, sick or not. Too many important things happen on Friday, most of which I'm responsible for. And while I know others can handle them, more or less, I would rather do them myself. Hopefully I'll be feeling back to normal by then, or tomorrow will be another day like Monday and Tuesday at work. *sigh*
At any rate, it would seem that Monica may be coming down with the same thing that slipped past my defenses (an extremely rare occurrence, since I almost never get sick.) She was feeling rough this morning, and has sent me text messages periodically throughout the day, telling me that she's feeling worse. Hopefully she hasn't caught the same thing I had, but it's starting to look that way. We'll just have to play things by ear, and see how she's feeling tomorrow. Maybe it will be HER turn to take some sick days off work *sigh*
It's been kind of rainy today, and I've had cabin fever from spending the past 2 days indoors, so I tried to take a cheery photo of the outdoors; the view through one of the side windows on our front door. Monica got this "Welcome" statue with cardinals on it the other day at the Dollar General. We both like cardinals, and they always remind her of her mom. So here they are, drenched in winter rain, welcoming all those who darken our doorstep.