August 29, 2009

Wanting To Get Into The Wild

I watched an excellent movie tonight. It's called Into The Wild, and it's based on a true story, and the book written by Jon Krakauer. Sean Penn directs the movie, and it features evocative music by Eddie Vedder, and amazing scenery from Alaska and various other states around the country. It's the kind of movie that really makes you take a close look at your life; where you're heading, and where you've been.

I really want to read the book now, because although the movie was amazing, movies can rarely hold a candle to the written word, and I think there's a lot more to the story that just couldn't be covered in the 2 1/2 hours on the DVD.

But if you're looking for a moving, thought-provoking movie to pass the time, be sure to check out Into The Wild. I think you'll be glad you did.

August 4, 2009

Monster Meat Loaf

A monster meat loaf I made, prior to being cooked. I can feel my cholesterol rising already!

August 2, 2009

Tower of Mini Loaves & Apple Crumble

Some of the stuff Monica and I baked today! :-)

A Day Of Baking

Okay, so here's a brief rundown of what Monica and I made today.

1) In the crock pot, we have a roast of beef, slow cooking with vegetables, which will be for dinner tomorrow.
2) We made soft tacos for dinner tonight.
3) We made quiche Loraine x2 (with wonderful peppered bacon this time!)
4) We made an apple pie/crumble with one of the first pie crusts that shrank too much to be used for the quiches.
5) We made lots of mini banana nut breads, a couple with mini chocolate chips in them.
6) We made lots of mini carrot-zucchini breads.

I THINK that's everything we've made so far! We were going to make a meatloaf to eat this week also, but I think that's going to wait until another night. We still have ground beef and sausage, pork chops, and chicken breast thawing out in the refrigerator, so we'll be cooking lots more this week I'm sure.

It's great to see Monica baking again, and it's something that's fun to do together. Now if we could only find a way to keep the kitchen/house nice and cool while we did the cooking, and if we could acquire a trained monkey or something to come behind us and do the dishes while we cooked, life would be perfect! Still, it's not so bad as it is...

Have a great week everyone. Peace.


Okay, so I did go out yesterday and do some running around. I drove up to work on my day off to take care of a printer issue they were having, and to print a 16"x20" picture enlargement for a customer. Then I went up to Home Depot to say hello to Monica, running into my Assistant Manager from work, who was there in his hours off before he had to go into work, buying tile for his bathroom. After that I went to Kohl's and took advantage of the tax free days to get some new, much needed shoes for work, before returning to Home Depot to wait for Monica to get off for lunch. We enjoyed a nice lunch together at Chick-fil-A, then Monica had to return to work, and I returned home. But I haven't really been "outside."

I want to get out and do some more photography. I want to walk in the woods and the mountains. I want to go fishing for trout in a chilly mountain stream. And I REALLY want to visit the ocean again (and do some fishing there.) It's been way too long since I've really done anything! My last vacation was YEARS ago, and lately all I've been doing is sitting inside, working on this Web business I'm a part of. I NEED A BREAK!!!

I have got to set aside some time to go somewhere, and do something new (or at least something I don't do every day.) I need to travel out of state and visit family, friends, or at the very least some place new, or somewhere I haven't been in a long time. I haven't left Georgia in several years, and it's time for a change of scenery!

Anyway, thanks for listening to the usual rant. Monica should be home from Wal-Mart soon, and it will be time to make lunch, and food for the upcoming week. I think we're going to make some quiche again, since she seemed to enjoy the last lot so much, and it was convenient for breakfast.

I hope everyone enjoys the remnants of the weekend, and has a great week. Take care.